
All the information about our miniature painting service

Miniature Painting Service 9 MINIATURE PAINTING

Painting Standards

level 1 painting

1. Earth Brush

Recommended for having a miniature army ready quickly.


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Level 2 painting

2. Lunar Brush

More attention to detail & work shadow-lights. A medium Level


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Level 3 painting

3. Celestial Brush

Our most popular level. We apply some advanced techniques


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Level 4 painting

4. Stellar Brush

Our most chosen level for individual miniatures. All details are importants!


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Level 6 painting

5. Galactic Brush

Level for showcase miniatures. We apply some advanced techniques.


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Level 6 painting

6. Mythical Brush

A media display never before seen in a painting studio. More than 40 hours of painting for a single miniature.


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See our categories & Prices

Miniature Examples Price ($)
LEVEL 1. Earth Brush LEVEL 2. Lunar Brush LEVEL 3. Celestial Brush LEVEL 4. Stellar Brush LEVEL 5. Galactic Brush LEVEL 6. Mythical Brush
Infinity infantry Fusillers / Alguacil / Achiles 12 - 15 14 - 18 23 - 28 30 - 39 85 - 100
Infinity heavy infantry Aquila Guard / Ajax / Mobile Brigada 13 - 17 15 - 21 26 - 32 32 - 42 95 - 120
Infinity remotes Mulebot / Zond Remote 15 - 20 18 - 23 30 - 40 38 - 46 120 - 150
Infinity TAG Iguana / Cutter / Jotums 25 - 32 31 - 40 38 - 49 45 - 55 210 - 260
Infinity bikes Desperadoes 21 - 29 25 - 32 32 - 40 38 - 45 130 - 150
15mm Flames of War / Epic 7-11 9-13 13 - 18 16 - 22 50 - 75
Small infantry Gretchin / Skink 6-8 8-11 11-15 16 - 22 55 - 70
Infantry Tactical Marine / Eldar Guardian 8-12 14 - 19 18 - 27 25 - 35 80 - 90
Veteran infantry Sternguard / Lychguard 10-15 17 - 25 22 - 30 30 - 40 95 - 120
Large infantry Terminator / Wraitghguard 14 - 18 25 - 35 28 - 35 37 - 50 110 - 130
Infantry HQ Lysander / Chaos Lord / Librarian 30+ 45+ 65+ 100+ 250+
Monstrous infantry Ogryn / Centurion / Ogre rat 23 - 31 43 - 57 55 - 70 70 - 90 130 - 150
Monstrous infantry HQ Ghazghkull / Tyranid Prime 50+ 75+ 100+ 150+ 300+
Monster/ Walker & HQ Dreadnought / Carnifex / Tyrant 45 - 57 80 - 100 105 - 130 135 - 180 200 - 270
Large monster/walker Riptide / Tervigon 70 - 95 125 - 170 155 - 190 180 - 230 220 - 260
Super heavy monster/walker Imperial Knight / Stompa / Wraithknight 110 -130 180 - 240 230 - 270 300 - 365 390 - 450
Bikes & cavalry Marine Bike / Tomb Blade / Reiksguard / Farseer on Jetbike 19 - 28 35 - 45 43 - 50 55 - 70 100 - 150
Large bikes & cavalry Thunderwolf / Bloodcrusher / Sammael 32 - 47 60 - 90 67 - 100 85 - 120 130 - 180
Grav-Vehicles Landspeeder / Annihilation Barge 45 - 65 80 - 110 100 - 115 130 - 160 160 - 210
Large Grav-Vehicles Wave Serpent / Dark Eldar Raider 60 - 70 110 - 130 125 - 145 160 - 210 200 - 250
Average tank Rhino / Predator / Chimera / Leman Russ 40 - 55 70 - 100 85 - 120 100 - 160 140 - 190
Landraider size Landraider / Battlewagon 100 - 120 170 - 210 190 - 230 270 - 320 310 - 370
Super heavy tanks Baneblade / Monolith / Fellblade 135 - 160 290 - 330 330 - 370 400 - 500 550 - 700
Flyer Stormtalon / Nightscythe 60 - 75 95 - 115 115 - 135 155 - 200 190 - 230
Large flyer Stormraven / Fireraptor 105 - 115 210 - 240 250 - 280 200 - 250 260 - 320
Super heavy flyer Thunderhawk / Tau Tiger Shark 170 - 220 285 - 320 310 - 350 370 - 420 410 - 510
Titans Warhound / Eldar Revenant / Harridan 210 - 280 330 - 400 360 - 420 430 - 500 500 - 600
Heavy titans Reaver / Eldar Phantom 255 - 310 375 - 440 410 - 470 520 - 600 600 - 710
Super heavy titans Warlord 340 - 380 450 - 500 500 - 600 650 - 780 800+
Primarch Horus / Fulgrim / Roboute Guilliman / Angron 65+ 120+ 160+ 240+ 330+
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