Plant trees with your orders

Miniature Painting Service 9 Painting for trees
eden reforestation logo


With every order you place in our studio, you help us to contribute to planting trees in the places of the planet that need it most.

We donate a part of each order to the NGO Eden Reforestation Projects.

Do you want to know what they do?

More tan 14,800 jobs

10 countries worldwide

Nearly one million trees planted every day

Deforestation causes numerous problems. Trees are not only the habitat to many species, but they also purify water sources, control floods and erosion, and help reestablish the necessary nutrients in the soil for farming. When farmers can not grow their crops, they have no choice but to leave their farms and move to cities in search of work. This is a serious problem in developing countries, where they are forced to work in terrible conditions simply to survive.

It is estimated that each year 15 billion trees are cut down while only 5 billion trees grow again, so the net loss of trees is 10 billion per year. Since the advancement of human civilization, the number of trees around the planet has been reduced by 46% and if this trend continues, the problem will continue to worsen in the coming years.

We can still change this trend and do something for the planet in which we live.

The work of this NGO goes beyond planting trees. With their approach, they manage to stimulate the economy of the inhabitants of these areas, which not only help the environment, but improve the conditions of these people.

The keys to its success are:

  • Work with peoples committed to the reforestation of their forests
  • Hire and train the inhabitants of these towns to plant the new trees
  • Always plant native tree species

As a result, people are able to develop a new activity that benefits them not only economically but also improves their living conditions and gives them new hope to keep their homes, avoiding the consequences of deforestation.


Utrillas Square, 1, Saragossa, Spain

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(+34) 699 898 476