Historical Miniature Painting Service

We paint historical miniatures.

A team specialized in painting historical miniatures

Miniature Painting Service 9 Historical Miniature Painting Service

Historical miniature painting service for wargaming and collectors

Collectors of historical miniatures need a miniature painter who paints them rigorously.

Historical Miniatures Painting for Wargames

We do all the work in our historical miniature painting service! We love historical miniature painting and we love wargames, so if you contract the integral management of the historical project we will take care of everything:

100% color scheme true to the history

We look for the details that determine and identify important people


We provide a justifying report to certify that the miniatures have been painted in a historically correct manner

Diorama & Scenery

You can get fantastic dioramas & secenery for your armies, includig special basing you like for your favorite model. Decorate your game table with a well-painted scenery.

100% adaptability to your wishes


We will ask you all the necessary questions to make the perfect project

The project will end when you confirm that every miniatures have the correct colours and details

All scales, ages and brands

Romans, Greeks

empire roman miniatures

The Thirty-year War

the thirty year war miniatures

Egyptian Miniatures

egyptian miniatures

Figures from the Old Testament

historical miniatures high priest

Napoleonic Miniatures

historical miniatures napoleonic

Medieval Miniatures

medieval miniatures

Here you can see our Prices

Miniature Examples Price ($)
LEVEL 1. Earth Brush LEVEL 2. Lunar Brush LEVEL 3. Celestial Brush LEVEL 4. Stellar Brush LEVEL 5. Galactic Brush LEVEL 6. Mythical Brush
Infinity infantry Fusillers / Alguacil / Achiles 12 - 15 14 - 18 23 - 28 30 - 39 85 - 100
Infinity heavy infantry Aquila Guard / Ajax / Mobile Brigada 13 - 17 15 - 21 26 - 32 32 - 42 95 - 120
Infinity remotes Mulebot / Zond Remote 15 - 20 18 - 23 30 - 40 38 - 46 120 - 150
Infinity TAG Iguana / Cutter / Jotums 25 - 32 31 - 40 38 - 49 45 - 55 210 - 260
Infinity bikes Desperadoes 21 - 29 25 - 32 32 - 40 38 - 45 130 - 150
15mm Flames of War / Epic 7-11 9-13 13 - 18 16 - 22 50 - 75
Small infantry Gretchin / Skink 6-8 8-11 11-15 16 - 22 55 - 70
Infantry Tactical Marine / Eldar Guardian 8-12 14 - 19 18 - 27 25 - 35 80 - 90
Veteran infantry Sternguard / Lychguard 10-15 17 - 25 22 - 30 30 - 40 95 - 120
Large infantry Terminator / Wraitghguard 14 - 18 25 - 35 28 - 35 37 - 50 110 - 130
Infantry HQ Lysander / Chaos Lord / Librarian 30+ 45+ 65+ 100+ 250+
Monstrous infantry Ogryn / Centurion / Ogre rat 23 - 31 43 - 57 55 - 70 70 - 90 130 - 150
Monstrous infantry HQ Ghazghkull / Tyranid Prime 50+ 75+ 100+ 150+ 300+
Monster/ Walker & HQ Dreadnought / Carnifex / Tyrant 45 - 57 80 - 100 105 - 130 135 - 180 200 - 270
Large monster/walker Riptide / Tervigon 70 - 95 125 - 170 155 - 190 180 - 230 220 - 260
Super heavy monster/walker Imperial Knight / Stompa / Wraithknight 110 -130 180 - 240 230 - 270 300 - 365 390 - 450
Bikes & cavalry Marine Bike / Tomb Blade / Reiksguard / Farseer on Jetbike 19 - 28 35 - 45 43 - 50 55 - 70 100 - 150
Large bikes & cavalry Thunderwolf / Bloodcrusher / Sammael 32 - 47 60 - 90 67 - 100 85 - 120 130 - 180
Grav-Vehicles Landspeeder / Annihilation Barge 45 - 65 80 - 110 100 - 115 130 - 160 160 - 210
Large Grav-Vehicles Wave Serpent / Dark Eldar Raider 60 - 70 110 - 130 125 - 145 160 - 210 200 - 250
Average tank Rhino / Predator / Chimera / Leman Russ 40 - 55 70 - 100 85 - 120 100 - 160 140 - 190
Landraider size Landraider / Battlewagon 100 - 120 170 - 210 190 - 230 270 - 320 310 - 370
Super heavy tanks Baneblade / Monolith / Fellblade 135 - 160 290 - 330 330 - 370 400 - 500 550 - 700
Flyer Stormtalon / Nightscythe 60 - 75 95 - 115 115 - 135 155 - 200 190 - 230
Large flyer Stormraven / Fireraptor 105 - 115 210 - 240 250 - 280 200 - 250 260 - 320
Super heavy flyer Thunderhawk / Tau Tiger Shark 170 - 220 285 - 320 310 - 350 370 - 420 410 - 510
Titans Warhound / Eldar Revenant / Harridan 210 - 280 330 - 400 360 - 420 430 - 500 500 - 600
Heavy titans Reaver / Eldar Phantom 255 - 310 375 - 440 410 - 470 520 - 600 600 - 710
Super heavy titans Warlord 340 - 380 450 - 500 500 - 600 650 - 780 800+
Primarch Horus / Fulgrim / Roboute Guilliman / Angron 65+ 120+ 160+ 240+ 330+
Table Plugin

Let our team of experienced artists bring your pieces to life with high quality paint at a fraction of the cost. Even with shipping charges, prices are low, delivery times are short, and the product is excellent. Services for miniature collectors and wargamers at an affordable price for painting. Service includes painting of metal or plastic figures from 2mm (1:914 scale) to 54mm (1:33.9 scale) for wargames or showcase quality. If you are looking for a reliable business partner to contract the production and painting work, please feel free to contact us.